Bremerton Patriot Letters to the Editor | Feb. 26

Feedback Let the truth be known I was just a boot Marine in Kilo 3/8 and this is my account of what happened and what did not happen in Afghanistan in 2002. I found an article on the Internet titled “Mission Accomplished” dated April 18, 2003, published by the Bremerton Patriot. I found this article to be very disturbing and very disrespectful to me and to all the other Marines, sailors and soldiers who have served this great nation. We all joined for one reason or another, but the real heroes are the ones who are not with us today.


Let the truth be known

I was just a boot Marine in Kilo 3/8 and this is my account of what happened and what did not happen in Afghanistan in 2002. I found an article on the Internet titled “Mission Accomplished” dated April 18, 2003, published by the Bremerton Patriot. I found this article to be very disturbing and very disrespectful to me and to all the other Marines, sailors and soldiers who have served this great nation. We all joined for one reason or another, but the real heroes are the ones who are not with us today.

Ryan Mutek has made comments such as doing classified sniper missions, taking shrapnel and pulling a Marine out of a bunker and dragging him back to the Embassy. As I remember, none of this took place and, to my recollection, Mutek was not a Marine Corps Scout Sniper. I find this so disgraceful and unfair to those who have been injured in combat, but never received much more than a thank you. For Mutek to come home and have the audacity to tell a story of this nature amazes me with disbelief.

Feel free to read this story at:

I encourage everyone who reads this article and finds this offensive please to send this great newspaper the Bremerton Patriot an e-mail and state your opinion.

I would personally like to thank the Bremerton Patriot for setting the truth free.



Lincoln, Neb.

Thank you

Sheriff’s Posse a blessing

For the past five years, the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Posse has served our children’s organizations at Crosby Chapel. As we prepare for another year of fun out in Seabeck, I wanted to be sure to let the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office and the public know just how much we do appreciate all of the work and effort the Posse puts into making our Carnival such a success!

The funds raised from this event will be used as the financial base for our Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) program to provide an affordable opportunity for all MOPS moms and to supplement our AWANA program. These programs reach out to more than 150 children in the Seabeck/Bremerton area, regardless of financial status. No parent or child is ever turned away due to lack of funds.

In order to continue these programs, we must receive generous donations from parents, individual benefactors and local and regional businesses. One of our most faithful contributors has been the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Posse. This dedicated group of people and horses has joined our carnival for the past five years, rain or shine. Their participation is the highlight of our event. The lines are long (almost endless at times) as the children patiently wait for their turn on the big horses. These gentle giants then take them on the most exciting ride of their young lives. Along the way, the Posse members talk and joke with the kids, some of whom never play another game, they just go to the back of the line to wait their turn to ride again. As coordinator for the past four years, the first question I am always asked is “Will the horses be there again?” I know the cost of coming to our event comes out of the pockets of the Posse members. Each year the Posse has helped to raise $500, for a total of $2,500 to date.

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) and AWANA will be hosting its 14th annual Carnival and Silent Auction on Saturday, April 25 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Crosby Chapel in Seabeck. More than 500 people from the community join us and we hope the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Posse will be able to be there once again.

Thank you again Kitsap County Sheriff’s Posse for such dedicated service to the Bremerton/Seabeck community.


MOPS Coordinator

Obama presidency

Socialism, here we come

Today as I stood in line at a local grocery store I noticed on the magazine rack the latest issue of Newsweek and the cover stated: “We are all socialists now.” I remember a few years back when I mentioned to some friends that socialism was just around the corner in our country and they reacted with a “No, it can’t ever ever happen here” — yes it can — and did — enter Obama on the scene. I might remind you there is a thin line between socialism and communism — one uses subterfuge and the other uses force. Socialism — plain and simple — means lowering all of us to one common level. Wake up Americans!


