Bremerton Patriot Letters to the Editor | March 26


P-I’s one-sidedness

to blame

While the demise of the P-I is lamented by the editor of this newspaper (“A sad day for daily newspapers,” March 20), Val Torrens and Ken Schram, the reason for lack of P-I readership, and subsequent failure, should rest with the P-I editors. In all fairness, the P-I reporters did an excellent job of reporting local news; however, the P-I editors were so one-sided, to the left, they turned off a large segment of the population. Even the P-I business manager said a primary reason the P-I had to fold was their complete disregard for the conservative readership more so than the “electronic age.”

I read news articles online, as do a lot of people, but I also read the less liberal Seattle Times and your paper. Your paper, for instance, offers views from both sides of an issue which most people appreciate. The lesson here is even though the majority of Western Washington is liberal, you can only call people with other opinions stupid so many times and pretty soon they stop listening to you, or in this case, stop reading the newspaper.



Thank you

A service to our


Thanks to the East Bremerton Rotary Club. The Illahee Forest Preserve is of special interest to the East Bremerton Rotary Club. Rotarians have worked on improving trails within the preserve by clearing brush, removing invasive vegetation and depositing literally tons of wood chips throughout the trail system. Costing thousands of dollars, the club installed the Illahee Preserve park sign at the Riddell entrance to the forest.

The new main entrance and parking lot into the Preserve is now open on Almira Drive, providing a beautiful setting for the grand entrance into the enchanting world of cedars, Douglas firs, sword ferns and wildlife. Rotarian volunteers gathered early Saturday morning and created two new beautiful walking trails from the parking lot, one toward a natural amphitheater in the middle of the woods and the other toward the golf course. The hard work of Saturday’s trail blazing was done by Rotary volunteers under the leadership of Rotarian Vic Ulsh. We look forward to the installation of a new Illahee Forest Preserve sign at the Almira Drive entrance to the Preserve, also courtesy of these same Rotarian volunteers.

Hats are off for the East Bremerton Rotary Club’s service to our community!



Bremerton tunnel project

Bozeman Tunnel name fits

Naming of buildings, bridges and other construction projects is usually done at the time of the ribbon cutting and grand opening.

It is my understanding the tunnel in downtown Bremerton will be completed in June 2009 and therefore it is important to begin a discussion of the naming of the tunnel.

Typically, the naming of these kinds of projects is for notable past residents or for individuals who were instrumental in getting the project done. For instance, the overpass from 11th Street to Kitsap Way on State Highway 305 is named for the former city engineer and public works director.

I would like to propose naming the tunnel the Bozeman Tunnel since Mayor Bozeman was and is the most ardent supporter and led the way to get this tunnel built. His energy, determination and focus on getting the tunnel funded, constructed and operating was the key to completing one of the largest single public projects ever in downtown Bremerton.


