But they say it in rap songs

It should be a respite to Richard Walker that thanks to him and his unceasing endeavor to get out the news, this story has been picked up by The HuffingtonPost, NewsOne.com, Komo News, The Daily Caller, Q13Fox, YourBlackWorld.net, OregonLive.com, NBC News, Yahoo.com, TriCity Herald, Washington Times, Long Island News, and many, many others. Thanks a lot, Rick.

The question is, do you drink Pepsi or frequent Taco Bell? How about your cell phone? Do you have an account with AT&T? Do you enjoy KFC or Quaker Oats?

According to billboardbiz.com, all these companies have sponsored MTV’s Video Music Awards in recent years. In fact, you’ll probably see them again on Jan. 26 when the awards air.

Among the celebrated MTV video “picks” to win is a performer referred to as “2 Chainz” (aka Tauheed Epps). His recent hit, promoted by the progressive left (part of the mindset of the North Kitsap Herald in adhering to the national media standards), is entitled “Where You Been.”

I checked out some of the lyrics he raps and was surprised at the inglorious content that appears to be promoted by the above mentioned popular American companies. Does the CEO of Pepsi know that 2Chainz’s words refer to how he keeps his “hoes in check”? Or how about his continued use of the “N-word” at least five times over in this performance? Or how about his discussion of a Tec-9 (assault pistol) in the song? Or maybe his use of the “F-word” repeatedly?

He, along with other Hollywood progressive notables, will garner acclaim and accolades for their continued use of racist, misogynistic, homicidal lyrics to wow the watching unwashed masses, as these children swill Pepsi soda and consume what-other-products hawked in commercials.

Lucky he isn’t the principal of Poulsbo Elementary School, because he would be out of a job and facing some Marxist-Progressive cultural awareness training. That’s how Principal Claudia Alves gained notoriety in Kitsap County, with the help of North Kitsap Herald writer Kipp Robertson and editor Richard Walker. I’m sure they’ll wave off any direct criticism and observe that they were only reporting the news.

I find it interesting what your story implies: That somehow, there has been a real bad racist lurking in Poulsbo Elementary School for a long time. Luckily, through a Freudian slip, the true character of Ms. Alves was discovered. And even though she has worked as a teacher for 19 years, then as a principal for 12 more (as printed on the school welcome page in September 2013), all of her life experiences and education add up to absolutely zero, nothing, nada, zip because of one word, undoubtedly taken out of context. And even though she was quoted in several news outlets as stating “the N-word was never the right thing to say, no matter the period of time,” she is now the Pariah of Poulsbo.

It should be a respite to Richard Walker that thanks to him and his unceasing endeavor to get out the news, this story has been picked up by The HuffingtonPost, NewsOne.com, Komo News, The Daily Caller, Q13Fox, YourBlackWorld.net, OregonLive.com, NBC News, Yahoo.com, TriCity Herald, Washington Times, Long Island News, and many, many others.

Thanks a lot, Rick.

Barry Clemons

