Comment was disparaging

“Viking Fest is a celebration of Poulsbo’s Norwegian heritage.” — Poulsbo Directory, 2013.

“Viking Fest is a celebration of Poulsbo’s Norwegian heritage.” — Poulsbo Directory, 2013.

After the Suquamish Tribe was invited to attend and display arts and crafts at this year’s Viking Fest, the director of the Suquamish Museum stated that Viking culture was dead but the Tribe’s culture lives on (“Suquamish artists join Vikings at festival village,” page A1, May 17 Herald).

Elders who only remember the past have shown discrimination or bias against non-Tribal members of Suquamish, residents and supporters of the Tribe. Acknowledge in this community that non–Tribal neighbors of all cultures, over the years, have assisted and come together to establish trust and understanding as one people.

Non-Tribal members, neighbors and friends have worked together with the Suquamish Tribe on improvement committees, on business support groups, etc. Coming together in a place we also call home. Poulsbo has been  a leader in this endeavor. Meaningful relationships have been created.

To label or demean any culture is offensive, disrespectful and alarming. One’s heritage is a state of pride.

L. Marlborough

