Defend public vote on state income tax

Remember Initiative 1077? It called for a state income tax and was supported by our Kitsap County legislators.

Remember Initiative 1077? It called for a state income tax and was supported by our Kitsap County legislators.

Initiative 1077 was soundly defeated by the voters. Will that ugly issue raise its head in the next session of the Legislature? Based on the history of our Democrat legislators, the answer is a resounding “YES.”

Our Kitsap County legislators don’t seem to care about such trivial matters as the will of the people. The evidence for this is their vote to pass a “same-sex marriage” law in defiance of the voters. Will they do the same with income tax?

The Washington State Platform of the Democratic Party specifically calls for a state income tax. It states,

“We call for:Establishment of a state income tax that is simple in execution and progressive in nature.”

So much for the “will of the people!” Our local Democrats’ disregard for the will of the people should be met with their sound defeat in November. We need legislators who will represent their constituents’ needs and not burden them with ever-increasing taxes.

Joan W. Gorner

