Downtown Indianola parking is too restrictive

Downtown Indianola has officially privatized its last remaining parking lot — the final vestige of a small, informal beachfront community, now lost.

Ticketing, towing and targeting (security guards prowling for tourists invading Indianola’s private beach), are the new town benchmarks.

With only limited public street parking remaining, it is now virtually impossible to visit or enjoy Indianola when the kids are out of school or an event is scheduled downtown. No parking, no tourists, no locals, no business, no future. What’s wrong with this picture?

Perhaps a new entrance sign should be erected: “Welcome to Indianola: We don’t like you, we don’t want you. We will target and tow you if you stay. If you live here, move away or pay.”

Why not just make it a gated community, build a moat and call it a day?

Martin Hayes

