Only with the hubris of a heedless, naive teenager, could one understand why someone would focus on the political aspects of the thousands of foreigners invading our country without challenge whatsoever.
On July 11, you published my letter, which was an attempt to sound the alarm over the disaster created by the Obama regime — yet another example of his disregard for the Rule of Law. Yet, a writer from Bainbridge Island (Land of N.I.M.B.Y.ism a la Oblivion, where trailer parks don’t exist), lectured me on how altruistic he is. I digress. I waited. Now the truth is coming forward.
At (, it is reported that the Unaccompanied Alien Children program foisted on America is a fraud. In fact, $700 million has been spent by the U.S. on the 200,000 families “largely unreported.”
Accuracy In Media has provided data that would be highly critical of the professional-golfer-wannabe in the White House — data the American press refuses to elaborate on. And, of course, the billionaires who actually own the mainstream media would take a dim view of the reality of the situation being divulged.
One might also peruse the story penned by journalist Thomas Jackson at American Renaissance about what we’re really in for when the dust finally settles and the cultures collide (
Are you ready for change? Get used to it. This might impact our way of life in the near future. But it will be nothing like the changes impacting our children and future descendants.
In spite of the national debt standing at $17,701,580,500,000 as of Sept. 1, or our unfunded liabilities of $118,003,658,500 (, our progeny will undoubtedly have a much more austere existence than ours. At this hour, 92,269,000 Americans are out of work. That’s almost 30 percent of the U.S. population (
Because Washington state is fourth in economic growth in the U.S. (surpassed only by Oregon, Texas and North Dakota), locals have a dumb-down view of life outside their secure and affluent reality (ergo, Bainbridge Island). Without further discussion enumerating the blunders of our country’s current leaders, solace can only be reached by educating the literate masses and encouraging the pursuit of the genuine truth.
Thank God for the Internet.