Family appreciates help from fire and police departments

Our family would like to publicly express our thanks to the Poulsbo Fire & Police Departments, and to Washington State Trooper Kinney for their swift and excellent care following the accident we were involved in on Bond Road. Thanks to each of you for choosing to use your life to serve.

We would also like to thank all of you who were first on the scene. Thank you for holding and comforting our children, for skipping your gardening class to let them sit in your vehicle (the kids thought that was pretty neat), and for all of you who asked what you could do to help.

And to all of our friends, for your love, your prayers, and the help you’ve given us — thanks.

It’s a gift to be part of a community like this.

Daron & Kristin, Justus, Greta, Ella, Fia and Kwame Jagodzinske

