Help keep cupboards full for all

When I was growing up, I remember stories of my dad starving as a child, how meat was scarce and that he didn’t get his first pair of shoes until he was 5.

When I was growing up, I remember stories of my dad starving as a child, how meat was scarce and that he didn’t get his first pair of shoes until he was 5.

During my childhood years, I watched my parents help others who needed food and watch them help their community in many ways.

Fortunately, growing up I didn’t have to experience the hunger pains that my dad did. Imagine feeling that hunger pain, then walking to your pantry, opening the door and discovering every shelf is empty.

There are neighbors in our community who are facing hunger right now, some of them children. You ask why is this happening? What can we do to help?As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words,” and you can express your concerns with action right now by helping North Kitsap Fishline Food Bank and Emergency Services by donating to the “Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive,” Saturday, arranged by our letter carriers.

To ensure we have enough food at Fishline, we would like to invite you to help fill those carrier food-drive bags with as much food as you can. Our letter carriers and volunteers will be en route Saturday to gather food for Fishline.

For more information, please visit us  or email me at

Lastly, I would like to leave you with this quote from Mother Teresa: “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”

Lucy Baker
Operations administrator and client services advocate
North Kitsap Fishline

