On behalf of Fishline, we want to thank our awesome community for your support during our recent Stamp Out Hunger food drive.
This annual event is an opportunity for food banks across our country to get a needed shot in the arm at the perfect time, and we always look forward to seeing our shelves full again as we enter into the long summer.
Locally, our neighbors responded as you always do, with massive generosity, and together we raised almost 11,000 pounds of canned goods, boxed meals and peanut butter. It was great fun to open the bags and see the unusual items you included, the special needs you considered, like pet and baby food, and the notes of encouragement you tucked in with your donations.
We want to thank the local letter carriers and the management of the Poulsbo Post Office for the extra efforts invested to make this event a success for us. Thanks also to the 100 Fishline volunteers who teamed with carriers to pick up the bags and then helped us sort and stock the donations.
If for some reason we missed you, or you didn’t receive a bag, it’s not too late to donate. Stop by Fishline any weekday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., or you can drop your donations in the barrels at Central Market, Red Apple or Albertsons anytime. Thank you!
Mary Nader and the Fishline Team