Only in La-la Land does it make sense to celebrate bringing home 2 cents of every $1 we’ve sent to Washington. D.C.
That’s like celebrating a “win” when you come home with $10 of the $500 you went to Reno with.
But this is exactly what Patty Murray is doing when she brags about her last-minute earmarks stuffed into bloated bills — earmarks that can only be paid back with more of our money, and our children’s and grandchildren’s money being sent to D.C. to pay for what we spend today.
What we need in D.C. is someone who will work hard to send less of our money to D.C. in the first place.
With more money at home we can dig ourselves out of this recession.
With more money left in the states, without the skimming off that happens in D.C., the states can have even more money do more with repairing dams and infrastructure.
And if the state doesn’t, then we can fire the crooks in the state and local governments.
What would really be helpful is a two-term limit for federal and state officials.
This would stop the consolidation of power that happens in all government that turns good people into career politicians.
But until we can get an honest congress (state and local) that will vote for a two-term limit, then we must be sure to get all incumbents out of office this November.
They have all shown they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Say goodbye to Patty Murray.