Let Rolfes know you oppose S.B. 5009

Voters in the 23rd District elected Sen. Christine Rolfes, D-Bainbridge, in 2012. No sooner had the auditor certified the election than Ms. Rolfes co-sponsored Senate Bill 5009, mandatory abortion insurance coverage coequal with maternity benefits.

Voters in the 23rd District elected Sen. Christine Rolfes, D-Bainbridge, in 2012.  No sooner had the auditor certified the election than Ms. Rolfes co-sponsored Senate Bill 5009, mandatory abortion insurance coverage coequal with maternity benefits.

S.B. 5009 represents the agenda of Planned Parenthood and NARAL. Since 1973, 55 million unborn American babies have been eliminated through surgical infanticide.

Beginning in the 1990s, Ms. Rolfes has repeatedly listed herself with photo and home address in parish directories for Saint Cecilia Catholic Church on Bainbridge Island. Along with politicians such as the self-professed Roman Catholics Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, Ms. Rolfes is happy enough to avail herself of the benefits of church affiliation without shouldering the commensurate leadership responsibility to stand for life.

It is time, citizens, to remind Rolfes that abortion is not a Kitsap community value. Contact Rolfes’ office and tell her you support life and compassion over expediency.  Tell Ms. Rolfes to withdraw her co-sponsorship of this attack on the innocent with its concurrent offense against religious freedom of conscience.

Mary Dombrowski
Bainbridge Island

