Letter: CK school bond and levy are worth the cost

A growing number of people in their senior years, especially those on fixed incomes, are finding that every day is a new challenge just to stay ahead of the costs of living.

A growing number of people in their senior years, especially those on fixed incomes, are finding that every day is a new challenge just to stay ahead of the costs of living.

Now comes our local school district asking us as property owners and taxpayers to extend our tax burden, and help fund bond and levy measures that will replace a couple of aging schools, refurbish a couple of existing schools and provide necessary operating funds to provide educational services to our children.

How dare they ask us to provide such educational services and amenities for our children! Don’t they know that our needs come before the kids? Who do they think they are?

Tragically (and sadly) there are many people in our community who actually feel and think this way. Despite the overwhelming case that has been made by the CK School District for this bond and levy expenditure, many will bury their heads in self-imposed ignorance, convince themselves that we don’t need to make these expenditures, miss the opportunity to get information from the District that validates the need and then vote “no,” thereby imposing learning handicaps on our children.

The fact is, even with the passage of this bond and levy (according to the CKSD website), “the estimated tax rate would remain the same … $5.21 per $1,000 of a home’s assessed value.” However, even if my taxes were to slightly increase, I would count it a privilege to have my tax dollars providing the quality education and learning environment that our children deserve. Granted, some parents can afford to send their children to private schools (and some choose to home school), but the vast majority of parents today rely on public education to prepare their children for their future. And as a result, I want to do everything possible to make sure that happens, because their future affects all of our futures.

Please vote “yes” for the CK bond and levy.


Carl R. Johnson,Bremerton.