Letter to the editor

Disgraceful rumors

To the editor:

My name is Tim Dinan and along with my wife Alison, we own both Cook Family Funeral Home and Hillcrest Cemetery.

A letter that appeared in your paper May 18 contains false and insulting suggestions, and I want to set the record straight.

The reference that we would “likely move bodies” for the crematory is profoundly untrue. Our respect for the dead and their families along with our morals would never allow us to do that, period. In addition, there are laws against such acts and rightfully so. Those who suggest such an act need to check their moral compass.

The crematory project we have proposed is a much-needed, state-of-the-art compact installation. It is designed to be very low impact, and there are no scientific studies linking crematories to illness. If there were we would be under a lot of pressure in today’s world to do something about it. Therefore, the information being put out as truth is in reality fiction.

This is the typical nonsense of the few who never want change in our community. Their whole motto is if you don’t have the facts just attack the character of those involved and create unfounded fears. We had heard rumors about people doing this in our community but we didn’t believe it. How disappointing to find out it’s actually true. Disgraceful!

Tim Dinan and Alison Hahn
