Letters from Jan. 12, 2008


Flawed interchange

Val Torrens (CK Reporter, Jan. 9) is right on in her assessment of the SR 3/303 interchange. The only thing she missed is that there will always be new folks in this area using the interchange so WSDOT’s wishful thinking that tribal knowledge will gradually make the interchange safer is a bit flawed. Somehow, with the SR 3/303 interchange, the WSDOT managed to outdo even the dumb job they did on the SR 3/16 interchange at Gorst.



Election 2008

Ron Paul has my vote

I support Congressman Ron Paul for president because only Statesman Paul will bring the “true change” crucial to our bankrupt nation.

While the U.S. drowns in a sea of debt, caused by the Federal Reserve constantly printing and devaluing paper money which has no collateral backing, every family now owes the national debt $455,000. More insanity, while parents work two or more jobs for their families, the U.S. is borrowing $20 million per hour from foreign nations, and giving our money to illegal aliens, and purchasing political influence from other nations. Ron Paul is the only candidate addressing this “monopoly money” of the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor a reserve.

Ron Paul advocates an orderly phase-in restoration to the limited powers expressly enumerated by the Constitution. According to the 9th and 10th Amendments, other rights are reserved for states or people. This would prevent continued Congressional votes on more than 3,000 pages of budgetary items being passed without reading the legislation. We can not afford the tyranny of unconstitutional bureaucratic salaries and pensions stealing our liberties. If it isn’t constitutional, Congressman Paul votes no.

Congressman Paul says we do not need 700 bases in foreign nations, some dating back to World War II. Regarding 9-11, Ron Paul correctly voted against the Iraq War, which has driven four million Iraqis from their homeland, while opening Iraq’s door to Al Qaida. Ron Paul did, however, support the use of force in Afghanistan, where Bin Laden and Al Qaida were located. He authored legislation that authorized the president to use appropriate force against those terrorists truly responsible for the atrocities.

Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies, never once considering an abortion. His legislative record proves his pro-life position.

I encourage everyone to read the platforms of all the candidates. If they promise to “improve or reorganize” any function, such as education, not authorized by the Constitution, they have no intention of honoring their oath to defend the Constitution, and cannot be trusted with our liberties. They have forgotten we are distinct from other nations, in that our liberties and rights are endowed by The Creator, to be protected by government. Other nations presume government bestows rights. Without that distinction, elected officials see no need to keep our nation sovereign. They then make treaties and agreements to our detriment. This philosophy has led to those agreements that have shipped American jobs overseas.

Ron Paul demonstrates his statesmanship, and dedication to the United States. He refuses the lucrative pension, takes no taxpayer junkets, and even returns part of his office budget. His candidacy has excited people of all ages and previous political parties. It is a desire to restore our nation’s foundation, a movement that cannot be stopped, because it extends beyond a single candidate. Ron Paul’s Christianity is evidenced in his life, and he has my support.

