Presidential debates
Biased news sources
By now it should be common knowledge that ABC News and Fox News will be limiting the number of candidates it hosts in their Jan. 5 and 6 New Hampshire debates. Although it may be seen as a public service for these news outlets to host these presidential debates, they must be done fairly and honestly, or they will impart their own media bias into the election.
ABC News has chosen to limit candidates based on polling above 5 percent as well as results of the Iowa primary. This would appear to limit the GOP debate to the five candidates most likely to succeed. The Democratic debate would appear to include no more than four candidates based on these rules.
Fox News, on the other hand, has chosen to exclude Ron Paul based on its own bias. It appears they do not like his position of bringing the troops home ASAP, or his plan to eliminate the federal income tax. They have excluded Ron Paul even though he has polled in double digits in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Should a media outlet with such blatant bias be allowed to host any presidential debates?
Presidential caucuses
We don’t need more talking
The current mob of president wannabes have already spent enough money to upgrade every major bridge in the country.
Now, they have more caucuses and a short year to spew out more of whatever they expect us to listen to and believe.
All of which does not elect a president — only a November 2008 vote of the public can do that.
Of course that depends on whether every legal voter will be allowed to vote — the last two times question that.
Fire inspections
Time to prioritize
The most important duty a government has toward its citizens is public safety and health.
As the last few months have shown, disasters both natural and man-made cause significant impacts on us all.
Throughout the year, fire inspectors and fire marshals throughout Kitsap County conduct annual inspections of businesses, schools and public facilities to reduce fire hazards and educate citizens and business owners.
This year, for some inexplicable reason, Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue has failed to inspect more than 900 businesses and buildings.
This is a tragedy in the making. Fire inspections identify and mitigate hazards and more importantly, inform building occupants of potential danger.
Also, preventing fires reduces the risk to our firefighter heroes who must risk life and limb when responding to these emergencies.
I would ask that the leadership of Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue prioritize public safety and ensure inspections are conducted.