Letters from March 12, 2008

Markwick property

Community coming together

Saturday, a large group of spirited folks did a major spring cleaning of the county’s Markwick property.

The task force, sparked by Keri Moore of Central Kitsap High School, included about 20 Key Club and Honor Society students, Bruce Van Woudenberg and Roy Meyers of the Kiwanis, Zee Zamora and a couple of Navy pals, Gary Lindsey, Ron and Nadean Ross, Sue Fox of the Central Kitsap Community Council and a few more hardworking volunteers.

North Kitsap Commissioner Steve Bauer stopped by to say hi and left about an hour later with plenty of blackberry battle scars. The group worked beautifully together and got an amazing amount done.

The effort centered on clearing out blackberries and overgrown vegetation, cleaning up an accumulation of trash and generally sprucing up the place. It is a lovely place, and the effort put a nice shine on it.

The kids are exploring the possibility of a youth center there and put some sweat into it. They really worked hard. Tom and Cheri Moore generously provided pizza and drinks for the entire bunch. After three hours of hard work, it really went down well!

We have a wonderful community, and I am no longer amazed at the way folks come together to do good things; but, I always come away from these events with a feeling of deep gratitude and inspiration. Seeing folks of all stripes and ages working together to make our home a better place to live is rewarding in the deepest way.

To all of you, thanks a million.



Pet overpopulation

Spay/neuter today

We want to see a time when cats/kittens, dogs/puppies have good homes because their caretakers are responsible pet owners.

It will soon be cat and kitten month. So please help us end the irresponsibility of pet overpopulation or do nothing about the fact that every 60 seconds, the public is responsible for killing another 350 healthy, innocent pets in America alone! The choice is yours. You can make a difference and save lives, neuter/spay today!


PAWS of Bremerton president