Letters – Jan. 14, 2011

Seabeck artist Brad Kauzlaric A family says thanks We wish to thank reporter Kristin Okinaka for her article on Brad Kauzlaric (“Mosaics, oils and rowing on Hood Canal,” Jan. 7). He was an easy person to meet but not always

Seabeck artist Brad Kauzlaric

A family says thanks

We wish to thank reporter Kristin Okinaka for her article on Brad Kauzlaric (“Mosaics, oils and rowing on Hood Canal,” Jan. 7). He was an easy person to meet but not always easy to know well, but she did a credible job of absorbing way more information than she could use. Her concise descriptions were on target for a guy who didn’t seek attention for himself, but preferred to let his art do the talking. We are pleased that his work continues to generate interest and that the placement of some remaining major works in the community is still taking place. Again, thank you.

DeAnna Kauzlaric Kieffer and families


Kudos to the Bremerton School District

Creativity of district employees will trickle down to kids

It’s a “hooray-time” celebration. Just imagining anyone in our education system actually thinking and planning for the good of the children, it’s such an uncommon event that it’s completely mind-boggling (“West Hills will grow from the STEM up,” Dec. 17).

It’s truly a pleasant wonder that some of our “supposedly educated people” are finally trying to use their heads for something besides a hat rack. Do you suppose they will beam into the true joy of teaching and experiencing the wonders of capturing the interest of young, inquiring and creative minds? The possibilities are endless. We have a whole generation out there who are interested in the world around them — everything and everyone in it — the sky is the limit for them. All we need to do is applaud, give them what they need and then get out of their way. These young people could change the world which is, right now, in a pretty sad state.

Beverly Twing
