Letters – Oct. 14, 2011

Break the monopoly

Break the monopoly

Monopolies are generally a bad thing – both in business and in politics.

An example is right here in Kitsap County, where a single party controls virtually every aspect of our local government. This is particularly troubling considering that our commissioners, elected (or appointed) to conduct the people’s business, are marching in lockstep to abdicate two of their three primary responsibilities – transportation planning and land use planning.

All three believe that the Puget Sound Regional Council should be allowed to dictate these policies to the county – Vision 2040 policies that include toll roads on major arterials, smart growth policies to limit rural services, “sustainable” environmental policies that keep people from enjoying and improving their properties, and a host of other intrusive and unwanted governmental controls.

We need to elect commissioners who believe these policies are their responsibility, not something to be delegated to an ideologically-driven, quasi-governmental organization in Seattle.

Chris Tibbs is that person.  He is smart, knowledgeable, and a person of integrity – a business man who is unafraid to question the status quo.  He knows Kitsap County well and he will look out for your interests.

Please give him your vote.

Bob Benze



Obvious ruse

Though I understand there is nothing illegal about an elected person stepping down before their term ends and their political party choosing another to run, it seems a bit devious to me UNLESS the person is incapacitated or has passed away! I don’t like either political party doing that. Our citizens have a right to vote on who the new commissioner will be. It is healthy for a “mix” to determine how the county is run and not a rubber stamp of the previous commissioner.

I would like to have another voice heard and that should be Chris Tibbs.

Norma L. Card

