Letters to the Editor

Just who is pulling the strings on Hansville’s roadways these days?

Re: Article by Annie Tietje

The writer left out some interesting information such as:

Who appointed the Greater Hansville Road Safety Advisory Committee? How many members are there? What demographics do they represent? Are the member(s) self-serving? Who are the members?

Since the member(s) are unknown, can it be assumed to be a one person committee? Who allotted governing power to the committee?

Does it represent a majority of citizens?

This committee stated they e-mailed. This arrogant attitude assumes everyone has a computer; everyone has time to read e-mails from an obscure group of elitist behaviorists. The public is besieged with junk mail from self-appointed individuals or groups.

Re: Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, CA endeavor

I observed a person who appeared to be a deputy poised for pursuit on a highly-chromed ultra-fancy motorcycle in Cliffside. If this was a county-issued motorcycle the county needs to economize with lesser machines. If not a county machine and person, we have an impersonator in our midst. Cliffside has a long history of appeasement by the county. A few years ago some elderly man manning a speed sign was reinforced by an off-duty deputy. Then we have the 25 mile an hour unauthorized speed signs. Who authorized them is yet to be acknowledged.

To reiterate: the county’s duty is to provide a safe passage road system. Decelerating and accelerating increases exhaust fumes and increases fuel consumption as well as taking people’s valuable time. If the commissioners continue to suck up to a few and find the money for installing speed bumps, they can find the money to build a new road or we can elect commissioners who will help and provide for the majority.

John A. Hunter



Slam on tribes was simply unwarranted

I usually find the Reader Sound-Off an interesting forum. Although I don’t always agree with the writer. I take issue with Susan Null’s opinion.

It is not often one reads a letter so filled with obvious racial bias. Indian lands in Kitsap County are well marked and known. Perhaps Ms. Null should have researched the area before buying her property. Why is it some people are so infuriated to see the Native Americans doing well?

The tribes are a good source of employment in Kitsap County. They give back to the community on a regular basis. I think it’s great and applaud their efforts!

It is shocking to read of one person’s small-minded, me-first attitude. Ms. Null should pack her bags and look far away to find some place else where her biased views would be shared.

Oh, F.Y.I. I am not Native American, just a person who thinks our Native American tribes are doing a good job!

Mary Pickens



Oct. 24 piece was dismaying, divisive

As a rule I enjoy reading your publication and most of the time find it objective and certainly non-confrontational.

In reading your Oct. 24 editorial I was frankly surprised and a bit dismayed that you have resorted to divisive, name-calling insinuations that I associate with racial, political and ethnic criticisms mostly found in the urban areas of our country.

Categorizing proponents of the speed tables on Hood Canal Drive as “residents living in posh houses along the scenic corridor” and “those living with views most residents would die for” promulgates the idea of the rich vs. the poor, which is class division and in my opinion, an unfortunate and unnecessary comparison. I also thought your judgmental observation of Kitsap County work crews perpetrated anti-government criticism which just contributes to the divisions now suffered by our nation.

I know an opinion piece is just that, an opinion. But I have no doubt that the press even in a little bi-weekly paper like the North Kitsap Herald has power to influence. As its editor clearly stating your opinion is one thing, using prejudice and muckraking phrases is quite another and in my opinion uncalled for. I would suggest that you are clever and talented enough to use a better approach to express your thoughts.


Ken Nyberg



Information on our presidents was off

Contrary to Adele Ferguson’s Nov. 14 column, both Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams ran in the 1824 presidential election as Democrats, not Republicans. The first Republican presidential candidate, John Fremont, lost to James Buchanan, in 1856.

Charlie Burrow



Military’s 21-gun salute info wrong

Seven riflemen, firing three volleys, does not constitute a 21-gun salute. In military usage a gun is an artillery piece; a cannon if you will. A 21-gun salute is one gun firing 21 times. Such a salute is usually rendered only to heads of state. And don’t get smug, Kitsap Sun, you’ve been guilty of the same blunder.

Robert A. Jungst


Thank You

Support for KMS, ShareNet was great

Dear Albertsons,

On behalf of the student organizations at Kingston Middle School, ASB, Junior National Honor Society and Leadership, we would like to thank Chris Ryder and all the staff at Albertsons for allowing us to collect food and money donations at the store last week. It reaffirms to all the students how generous the people of Kingston are in helping out our less fortunate families. Shoppers didn’t hesitate to donate to our local Kingston ShareNet.

What an example our local community is to the future citizens of Kingston.

Again, a big thank you to Albertsons and everyone who donated food and money for ShareNet.


Kingston Middle School

Dogs can be furry little angels at times

One Monday morning I went to take Princess out for her early morning walk. She would only let me go about three feet in front of the house. Small dog (Shitzu), but very, very determined. Round and round and round on her leash!

I finally looked up and saw a tree branch had broken a power line which was sparking like blue blazes in the path I would have gone down! God sends some dogs as little angels in furry clothing to watch over us vulnerable humans as we journey through life half-asleep or otherwise.


Evelena M. Haynes

