Make smart decisions to ensure your safety

Senior prom has come and gone. Students had been waiting for years to wrap up their general education and end their final year with that last special dance. However, it was important to keep all students safe during such an event.

Senior prom has come and gone. Students had been waiting for years to wrap up their general education and end their final year with that last special dance. However, it was important to keep all students safe during such an event.

Central Kitsap High School’s Class of 2016’s prom was not only fun, but also safe. While much time was spent planning and ensuring that this prom would be a night to remember, the safety of the students after the dance was the primary goal of our faculty and staff.

On May 17, the 14th annual mock crash at Central Kitsap High School was held to raise awareness for the prevention of driving while under the influence, and texting while driving, through the display of the terrifying consequences that follow.

With the mock crash over, Central Kitsap High School ran the PROMise campaign, inviting students to take a pledge to commit to safer driving habits.

The Class of 2016 would like to thank the community and our counselors for making this event a success.

We would like to extend our gratitude to:

— Kitsap County’s Sheriff Department, Kitsap County Coroner, Washington State Patrol, and Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue, for explaining the implications of impaired driving through a representation of an actual crash scene.

Airlift Northwest and CenCom, for aiding in the realism of such a critical event.

— Silverdale Towing, for providing the cars used in the assembly.

— Aloha Kitchen, for providing a wonderful meal for the hungry actors that participated in the crash.

— Subway, Starbucks Coffee, and Central Kitsap PTSA, for sponsoring the 2016 Mock Crash.

— The Boat Shed, The Yacht Club Broiler, Hopjacks, Silver City, Olive Garden, Spiros, Red Lobster, and Blazing Onion for your generous donations to make the 2016 PROMise campaign a great success.

— Kate Staker, Paula Wildes, Brian Sullivan, and Jeff Schmitt, for participating in the preparation of the crash.

— Marsha Masters, for coordinating the agencies that came together to stage the production.

— Central Kitsap High School counseling and administration for making this event possible with the love they show for their students.

Prom 2016 was a night the class will forever remember. With the Mock Crash and the PROMise pledge working together, the students of Central Kitsap High School safely enjoyed one of their final nights of being Cougars.

As graduation comes closer and closer, it’s important to remember to stay safe during times of celebration. The future is bright, Cougs; please make smart decisions to ensure your safety.

Class of 2016 Mock Crash actors
Austin Mullins, Benjamin Rinehart, Elena Stamerra, Ella Hermmann, Kendal Yaegle, Alyssa Carter, Nick Roberts and Karlee McGrew