Regarding Tom Wenning’s letter, “Gun ownership: Court should decide,” page A4, June 13 Herald:
Mr. Wenning’s “deeper discussion” on the merits of gun ownership and his solution that “mental health and public officials report anyone suspect of being incapable of safe gun ownership” lacks even minimal depth.
Are these officials supposed to go around and knock on doors and discover people incapable of safe gun ownership?
The unlimited availability, legal and illegal, of high-capacity assault weapons is the real problem. People with mental health issues have always been able to buy or steal guns. Remember Sandy Hook? And, recently, the University of California, Santa Barbara; Troutdale, Oregon; and SPU? Thirty school shootings this year so far.
And, as simplistic and irrational as it may sound, Mr. Wenning, somehow I fear less “from the likes of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama” than from an “AK47 with 380 rounds” in the hands of anybody.
You may also brush up on the Second Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” I wonder what opponents to gun regulation don’t understand about “well regulated Militia”?
James Behrend
Bainbridge Island