No compromise on our president’s goals

I suspect that reasonable North Kitsap Herald readers of any persuasion viewed Tom Driscoll’s letter, “Compromise is lacking in both political parties” (March 16 Kitsap Daily News) with interest.

I suggest that certain aspects of politics and life ought never be compromised.

Our Constitution and existing laws are there to protect all Americans. They are non-negotiable without legislative change. No one is above the law, including leaders, judges, high court judges, or the president.

Down at ground level, some may argue, “The traffic signal was only a little bit red, officer!” and some, like first responders, may gain favorable relaxation when on emergency mode, but before Tom Driscoll has any chance of convincing anyone with his advice on party compromise, I think he might start by using his communication skills on areas that I hope he finds embarrassing. Coming to mind are bank window smashing, barrier throwing, screaming debate killers and antagonistic sign-carrying provocateurs that we have all witnessed in their relentless demonstrations in Glendale, Berkeley, Baltimore, Ferguson and just about every major city in the USA.

Their overwhelming rejection of civil order, of lawful demonstration and of free speech is, without question, unlawful — and that is just a start point.

In my personal guide book of honesty, character and patriotism, I will add, “ for economic growth, good-paying jobs, a strong military, viable healthcare for all, protecting the Constitution and putting America first.”

Anything that contradicts decent behavior and existing laws must be shown a very clear red light.

God bless America.

Alan Jackson

