I am still puzzled by the rage that conservatives have toward liberals. Instead of being so negative, why not write about all that the conservative Congress and past Republican presidents have done for the middle class? If you are part of the 1 percent, then I know that the conservatives have been there for you.
Do you hate the things that the liberals have achieved for the middle class? Starting with women’s rights, the right to vote for African-Americans, Social Security, Clean Air and Clean Water Act, Medicare, and they also ended segregation with the Civil Rights Act.
Are you upset that families who lost their health insurance through no fault of their own now have Affordable Care Act? I have compassion for my fellow Americans that are struggling as most liberals have. I think in order to have compassion, you have to put your self in their place, which may be difficult for those who have never had to struggle.
Oh, for the good old days during Eisenhower’s administration when people treated each other with respect. I’m looking forward to your next letter explaining your rage.
Alan Shelbourn