North Kitsap Herald Letters to the Editor | Dec. 6

Fiscal priorities

Fiscal priorities

Where’s the outrage?

Our collective consciousness needs to be re-evaluated. The great society that “asked not what their country could do for them but what they could do for their country” has been supplanted with personal greed instead of shared sacrifice.

Under the mantra of don’t tax me, the lobbyists have had a field day taking our tax dollars to enrich special interests. We fret over the misuse of single moms on welfare while our tax dollars are spent on corporations and war profiteering. How can we explain exactly giving billions of tax dollars to the oil industry while year after year they show record profits, or making it illegal to collectively bargain prescription medications for Medicare, or bankruptcy laws changing only for those who own just one house?

Instead of slinking out of Washington in shame, a convicted felon is given a standing ovation and a glowing send off. The crime, taking gifts from oil executives. Where is the outrage?

Hallette Salazar


City hall

Why all the fuss now?

I find it interesting, to say the least, that there is such a hue and cry now about the Poulsbo City Hall. Its cost, location and traffic problems are causing apoplexy among many of you, but where have you all been for the past few years as this planning took place?

My aunt, Muriel Williams, who is a life-long resident of Poulsbo, led almost a one-woman crusade to stop this “monster build” from happening downtown. Her choice was for it to be built on the 10th Avenue site that has already been purchased, and had (at the time) a reasonable price tag, and had parking and much better traffic flow. Then came the big razzle dazzle “Keep City Hall Downtown” campaign and the majority of Poulsbo citizens, by their vote, made Mayor Quade’s dream come true.

If the original plans for City Hall had been carried out it would be built and in use by now. As it stands, our city employees are still conducting business in a cantankerous old building that is a “disaster waiting to happen.”

It’s too late now to do anything but move forward, get it built and get the employees into a safe building. Call this a lesson learned and never be bamboozled in such a way again.

Kay Gearllach


Thank you

Auction was successful

North Kitsap Fishline would like to thank all of the merchants in Poulsbo and the North Kitsap area for their generosity in supporting our auction on Nov. 22.

It was such a wonderful feeling to “go begging” and get no hesitation, to even have artists step forward wanting to be a part of it all without being asked. A second thank you goes out to all of those who attended. We hope you had a delightful evening, a taste of some good wine and a bite or two of wonderful hors d’oeuvres, which put you in the mood to bid on all the wonderful items we had on hand. We also especially thank our sponsors: Central Market, Blue Sky Printing, the North Kitsap Herald, Michael and Bayside Broiler, 1st Security Bank, the Sons of Norway and Bob Couillard. Without all of you we could not have done what we did.

We raised over $11,000 that night which will go far in helping our neighbors who are not quite so fortunate this year. That you so very much to a generous community.

Kathy Fitch

Board member, North Kitsap Fishline

Family appreciates support in time of loss

It is with a grateful heart that my family and I give many thanks for your kind and beautiful cards, messages and visits following the passing of our dear David, husband, father and grandfather.

He suffered tremendous pain and discomfort and we are so grateful for the wonderful care he received from the staff at Harrison’s Oncology Department, Dr. Brian Kim, Northwoods Lodge and the Kitsap County Hospice Center.

Shirley Boehme, Sue, Ed and Whitney Giaimo


Council member misspeaks

In Jennifer Morris’ budget story, please note that Councilman Stern is mistaken. Poulsbo is NOT the only city not cutting law enforcement to balance its budget. Port Orchard did not cut any police positions and filled the one open slot created by the resignation of an officer with a officer hired from Bremerton, rather than not fill it for budgetary reasons.

Lary Coppola, Mayor

City of Port Orchard
