NK community pool
Pool coordinator welcomes all
As the new coordinator of the North Kitsap community swimming Pool, I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support of our pool. Having only been here a few weeks, I’ve felt nothing but acceptance and warmth from this community and none more so than from the pool patrons. You should also know that there is an outstanding staff of lifeguards and water safety instructors at our pool – they are exceptionally well trained and positive people who work well together to make our pool safe and fun to visit.
Though I haven’t been here long enough to have participated in the Save Our Pool drive, I want you to know that all of your help has not gone unnoticed. As we make a transition to becoming a financially sustainable facility there will be quite a few positive changes. Helping to make these changes is a committee of community members who are working together to help steer our pool in a positive direction. So many of you stood behind the pool over the last six months and we encourage you to visit the pool often and stay involved in our success.
I look forward to meeting each of you over the coming months. I encourage you all to stop by the pool, either to swim some laps before work or for a quick workout during lunch. Maybe a group Aqua Aerobics class is more up your alley? Our experienced instructors will help you stretch those tired muscles in a therapeutic environment.
Step away from the that TV set and come experience what a rejuvenating feeling can be had from our Tuesday and Thursday night deep-water HydroFit class at 7:30 p.m.. Or, sign your preschool aged water lovers up for our daytime swim lessons.
Group swim lesson registration for afternoon and evening classes is happening now. We’ve added an extra class time on Tuesday and Thursday nights to accommodate the growing need for swim lessons in North Kitsap. We look forward to teaching your children to love the water as much as we do. Any questions? Please call the pool at (360) 598-1070.
See you in the pool!
Jake DeVries
North Kitsap Community Pool Coordinator
Reader feedback
Clarifying sexuality in the Lutheran church
While we Lutherans are seldom considered among the most sensual members of society, Adele Ferguson’s recent column (“Taking another look at sexuality in church,” Oct. 15) addressed a controversial discussion currently going on in North America’s largest Lutheran denomination. As she clearly stated, the debate about ordaining practicing homosexuals continues to divide congregations and individuals within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
I am writing to clarify an important distinction for non-Lutheran readers of the Herald. The fact is that there exists another large Lutheran community, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, which does not feel the need to debate this issue; we believe the Scriptures themselves, along with twenty centuries of Christian consensus on the issue, clearly address the matter. The LCMS ministers with great compassion, to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. We even (like all churches, whether they recognize it or not) have homosexual clergy on our ministry rosters. The distinction being, of course, that homosexual clergy in our communion are required to live a chaste (celibate) life, just as are unmarried heterosexual pastors.
I am well acquainted with the current controversy, having served the majority of my own ministry as a pastor in the ELCA. It was precisely this matter—not homosexual activism, but the erosion of biblical authority—which led my wife and me to affiliate with the LCMS some years ago. Nevertheless, our thoughts and prayers continue to abide with those members of the ELCA seeking to live faithfully in accordance with God’s word.
Thank you for publishing this letter, so that the public—and especially those members of other Christian churches—do not misperceive this issue as something about which all Lutherans are confused.
Robert Stroud
Chaplain, USAF (Retired)
RE: Is GHAAC criticism fair?
I feel Art Ellison’s accusation that Laurie Wiegenstein does not participate within our community to be untrue and must be refuted. Art references the planning committee; Laurie happens to be a member of that planning committee and also works on the publicity committee for planning.
Laurie not only participates in planning, she’s a member of CAGEH, a group of residents who want to have a voice and be involved in community affairs. Laurie is also a mother of two young children and volunteers with their school. Not only does Laurie participate within our community, so does her husband John. In fact, he was the president of the Community Center several years ago.
Barbara Fox