Adele Ferguson
Adele should evolve
I am tired of hearing the closed-minded, one-sided views of Adele Ferguson. She has offended enough of us too often and it is time for her to move on. I know creating emotion from an article is the sign of a good writer but she only causes us anger and this latest article left me steaming.
It is only a slap in the face when she says “Sure you can sit by me, your welcome in my church but don’t think I like it or you, sinner.” That is a completely hypocritical statement. Homosexual, heterosexual, we are all children of God and should all be treated as so.
Our world is evolving and we need to evolve with it, this means excepting ways of life that may be uncomfortable for some of us but is under no fault of anyone.
Gay, mentally ill, physically handicapped, whatever it may be that makes us different, we need to love one another. We are all in the world together and Adele needs to loosen up and evolve with us.
Sunny Morris
Decision 2008
Danielson for judge
I have family, business, and social interests that I see are under siege here on Bainbridge and in Kitsap County at large. The problem comes from self-serving special interests and failed government. We know all too well the corrosive effects of the real and apparent conflicts of interest making our government and laws move in ways hurtful to the people.
There is a bright alternative to this conflict on the ballot and that is Bruce Danielson standing for Kitsap Superior. Bruce Danielson has blazed a career and a campaign standing up to the vested interest at the County Bar and the legal community. He has full-spectrum legal experience and a unique quality as a humble servant.
Do not allow this election to be bought by special interests. Ms. Dalton has self-financed a campaign with over $90,000. If a candidate can’t run her campaign with grass-root support, hard work, and small contributions, why should anyone believe her pocketbook would qualify her for the office?
Mary V. Dombrowski
Bainbridge Island
Just the facts
Something has been bothering me for a while now. The Rossi campaign has been throwing around a $3.2 billion deficit as a point of fact. The real facts are as follows: The deficit mentioned is just a financial projection for the 2009-2011 budget cycle; the state of Washington is not operating with a current budget deficit; and the state constitution requires that the Legislature pass a BALANCED budget.
This doesn’t mean that some very difficult decisions won’t need to be made during the next session – they will.
What it does mean is that we have the leadership in place with Gov. Chris Gregoire, as well as Sen. Phil Rockefeller, Rep. Sherry Appleton, and Rep. Christine Rolfes of the 23rd Legislative District and their Democratic colleagues, to get the job done in a way that will be fair and meaningful. After all, it was their forethought that put a “rainy day” fund into place, acting as good economic stewards for all citizens of Washington — regardless of their party.
It’s that kind of leadership that we need to return to Olympia in order to keep our state on track and leading the nation as a great place to live and do business.
Rob Gelder
Endorsing Cooney
We must be prepared for hard times ahead.
Larry Cooney is the best choice for District 23 State Legislature. As times get tough we can no longer afford to let the government squander the peoples money and run honest small business into the ground. Larry has stated that he will work to reduce spending and balance the State budget. The incumbent is for increased State spending, and seems to have little regard for the needs of business. Cooney will make it easier to run a business in Washington State by working to remove many of the government mandates that do more harm than good.
The State Auditor has completed an Audit of many State agencies and sited ways to save the tax payers Millions, if not Billions, of dollars, yet little or nothing has been done to implement the State Auditor’s recommendations. Larry Cooney will work with the Auditor’s report to get many of these State agencies to stop wasting tax payer’s money.
State spending needs to be brought under control, and Larry Cooney is the man to do it.
Larry Cooney has read the Washington State Constitution, and believes firmly in Article I, Section 1 “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.”
He knows that the fundamental job of the government is to protect individual rights, and allow adults to make informed decisions for themselves. He will not cater to special interests by voting for laws that give them special privileges at the expense of individual rights.
Dan Goebel