Opposed to hike in utility rates

Enough is enough! Regarding the stormwater rate increase (page A1, Oct. 17 Herald), I am flabbergasted that the city suggests a 53 percent increase next month.

Enough is enough! Regarding the stormwater rate increase (page A1, Oct. 17 Herald), I am flabbergasted that the city suggests a 53 percent increase next month.

I moved into the city limits (from county limits) in 2008. In that six-year time period, my total utility bill has increased 65 percent. So, an instant 53 percent increase coupled with a 65 percent increase in six years is insane.

As stated in the article, are we (Poulsbo) really “behind the curve in maintaining the stormwater system” and why do we “run afoul of state and federal regulations” to justify a 53 percent rate increase? Year after year, I watch my rates increase. I would think these increases help Poulsbo to stay ahead of the curve and not fall behind.

“If approved, the increase would place Poulsbo’s stormwater rate among the highest in the region.” Why would we have the highest rates? Also, the increase involves “funding a portion of the city’s Capital Improvement Plan.” Funding which portion? I just reviewed the 72-page plan and there are many improvement plans, so it would benefit all residents to know this information.

My wages have not increased 53 percent this year, nor 65 percent the past six years. Same with my friends and family. And as Helen Roth asked about in her letter to the editor last week, what will people on a fixed income do — any plan or discount being considered?

Water to increase 13 percent and stormwater 53 percent — this is just so crazy.

I encourage my fellow Poulsbo residents to rally against this unbelievable increase. Stand up, show up at the council meeting, and/or write a letter to the editor. Ask for justification to increase your stormwater rates 53 percent.

Donna Dimof

