Opposed to millionaires’ tax to fund schools

Within the text of this article were the details of a legislative proposal, HB1545, to impose on individuals who make $1 million or more a 2 percent tax to, allegedly, fund educational needs.

The Feb. 8 edition of the North Kitsap Herald contained a story headlined, “Proposed: Tax millionaires for schools” (page A1).

Within the text of this article were the details of a legislative proposal, HB1545, to impose on individuals who make $1 million or more a 2 percent tax to, allegedly, fund educational needs. However, the motives behind this legislation raise numerous questions about state governmental funding and such “creative” ideas to solve our budget concerns.

I believe this is just another way to slowly and quietly begin the formulation, once again, of a state income tax by first having our wealthier citizens shoulder the burden and, then, in the spirit of fairness, let us all contribute to solve this spending problem — first, create class warfare to single out a class and, then, in the spirit of fairness, let us all help to solve this funding shortfall.

I wonder about the original argument for the establishment of the state lottery, whose profits were to be used almost exclusively for education. Perhaps we should just lessen the amount of the lottery winnings to help the education budget.

It seems that our Legislature, not unlike our other levels of government, cannot balance their checkbook without looking for more revenue usually in the form of taxes and fees on the citizenry. Sounds like “taxation without representation” all over again!

R.F. Mack

