Regarding the Sept. 17th front-page article on the closing of Brazeau Mobile Home Park in Kingston, I think staff writer…
I recently met Walt Washington, the Democratic candidate for Kitsap County Auditor. He impressed me as a man with a clear grasp of the pressing issues facing a diverse and growing Kitsap County population, the dangers of voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement and the value of fair elections. Walt is the current interim Kitsap County Auditor. He is uniquely qualified to replace the retired Karen Flynn who was a moderate, effective, evenhanded and much respected Kitsap County Auditor for many years. As a long time Washington state resident, and having also lived in other parts of the United States, Walt has experienced firsthand the adverse polarizing impact, of powerful special interests, on our nation, our states and our county.
Before we start jumping out of windows or forming bread lines over the current “down” economic news, it might be better to spend some time understanding how we got here and what fixes are available. To find the source of the problem, rather than the obvious symptoms, we need to work backwards.
I am shocked to read that the editor of our local paper thinks educational decisions should be left to our politicians rather than the parents and educators.
I am writing about a problem that I’m sure is not unique to my husband and me. We have been taken advantage of by a local contractor.
Armin Jahr Elementary school Parent Teacher Association (PTA) would like to express their appreciation to the Wheaton Way McDonald’s, their employees and all of the customers who participated in one of that location’s most successful McTakeover fundraisers.
You just don’t get it. It’s not all about the territory. It’s about ownership.
But let’s start with a little history. I heard about the stadium issue, not from a flyer, not from a student, but from the newspaper. I was a little concerned from the article and then I read your opinion. To use your words, OMG.
It’s about time to realize that political campaign blustering computes easily with television commercials, in thirds: 1/3 truths, 1/3 half-truths, and 1/3 lies (except lately, campaign truths diminishing, lies expanding).
On Sunday, Sept. 14, a young, nice-looking couple saw me in my garage and asked me if they could borrow a tool to fix their boat at the Keyport Dock. I loaned them an almost-new pipe wrench which they said they would bring back in five minutes.
Unearth solutions to critical issues from garbage.
During the holidays, many people are in a more generous mood, and the South Kitsap Helpline seems to receive lots…
This letter is a reponse to “Would Poulsbo campus serve the people?” (re: Harrison Medical Center-Aug. 15, 2008) by John Bradford of Poulsbo.
I started adding up the community organizers in Kingston and shocked myself with the numbers. There are many more that I couldn’t remember, I know.
Enough about McCain, who knew Obama was such a maverick?
Senator John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate raises grave concerns about his judgement.
You’re right — global warming is nothing to worry about I want to thank Karl Duff for his excellent conspectus…
I am a parent and I have concerns with the special education program of the North Kitsap School District.
This morning I had the privilege to witness the return of a true American Hero, the USS Kitty Hawk, a ship that so valiantly protected this great nation around the world. I have a second home in Port Orchard. I flew up here Monday night just to see this great aircraft carrier come into port.
If I had a private museum and few wanted to utilize it, it would go bust – no matter how interesting and worthwhile to some.
The same goes for our Marine Science Center.