If someone bought a home next to me and I went over to inform them that I am the local tax collector and they owed a tax on their property and they would have to ask permission to build anything on it, they would have to get my permission. And if they had any water or spotted owls they were really in trouble. What do think they would say? Well, this is exactly what our state and federal organizations do and we would lose our homes if we failed to comply. Now who do you think owns your property?
I write in response to the column by Adele Ferguson in the July 12 edition of the Bremerton Patriot.
Although it is now the general consensus among scientists that the world is experiencing a climate change and that human activity is contributing to it, Adele Ferguson continues to follow her ideological commitment to no climate change.
The leaders and members of Camp Fire USA, Kitsap County would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the June 20 Day of Caring at Camp Niwana in Port Orchard. We especially would like to thank the Kitsap Credit Union Employees, the crews of the USS Nevada and their Commanders and Tim Lundberg of Parker Lumber.
After securing the presidential nomination by the Democratic Left and moving toward the political center, Obama has reversed himself on everything except abortion, homosexuality, raising taxes and opposition to off-shore drilling for oil. To date, his flip-flops include welfare reform, de-criminalization of marijuana possession, NAFTA, Cuba trade embargo, gun control, immunization of telecommunication firms involved in FISA, troop withdrawal from Iraq, faith-based charities and God knows what next. His liberal media backers cleverly describe this as “re-calibrating” his positions.
This is in esponse to Mr. Stern’s argument in favor of revenues generated by Wal-Mart/big boxes.
After securing the presidential nomination by the Democratic Left and moving toward the political center, Obama has reversed himself on everything except abortion, homosexuality, raising taxes and opposition to off-shore drilling for oil. To date, his flip-flops include welfare reform, de-criminalization of marijuana possession, NAFTA, Cuba trade embargo, gun control, immunization of telecommunication firms involved in FISA, troop withdrawal from Iraq, faith-based charities and God knows what next. His liberal media backers cleverly describe this as “re-calibrating” his positions.
The recent story concerning the proposed merger and formation of West Sound Fire & Rescue left me with some concerns. I think that most citizens would agree that our fire departments do a great job as they are currently organized. Therefore, any changes, mergers or restructuring should have a singular goal of cost savings for the citizens before they are even considered.
Letters from readers of the North Kitsap Herald.
The recent story concerning the proposed merger and formation of West Sound Fire & Rescue left me with some concerns. I think that most citizens would agree that our fire departments do a great job as they are currently organized. Therefore, any changes, mergers or restructuring should have a singular goal of cost savings for the citizens before they are even considered.
I want to applaud the recent land donation of two parcels from an anonymous donor to the Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC), see the June 11 Herald. In turn, Great Peninsula Conservancy has donated this land along Dogfish Creek at the head of Liberty Bay to the city of Poulsbo.
Letters from readers of the North Kitsap Herald.
I am writing in response to a May 28 article, “Saving Lives One Teen at a Time.” John Perona from Kitsap Mental Health shared his goal to screen Kitsap teenagers for mental health issues with the intention of providing “intervention.” According to the article, this goal would be accomplished by the implementation of a program called “TeenScreen,” a combined effort between the school districts, Kitsap Mental Health and the Kitsap County Health District.
The Washington State Department of Transportation has now formally joined all other government departments in recognizing that, since they are unable to complete their assigned basic mission, WSDOT will refine its primary responsibility to that of social engineering.
Windermere Real Estate of Poulsbo would like to thank the following local vendors for their contributions to Windermere’s Community Service Day on June 20. Windermere spent the day at Poulsbo’s Marine Science Center cleaning, painting and landscaping. A big “Thank You” for generous donations from Central Market, Peninsula Paints, James Lumber, Tatu Barbeque, Coast Do it Best Hardware and Vern’s Organic Topsoil.
The Washington State Department of Transportation has now formally joined all other government departments in recognizing that, since they are unable to complete their assigned basic mission, WSDOT will refine its primary responsibility to that of social engineering.
Windermere Real Estate of Poulsbo would like to thank the following local vendors for their contributions to Windermere’s Community Service Day last Friday the 20th of June. Windermere spent the day at Poulsbo’s Marine Science Center cleaning, painting and landscaping.
Letters from readers of the North Kitsap Herald.
We should all be pleased that Commissioner Brown visited Anderson Landing Preserve, one of the best examples in the county of how volunteers get the job done and provide the park facilities we all want. Just a few notes about the Commissioner’s report.
Is it possible to wave the flag too much? Provided, of course, that you wave it with integrity. Is it possible to study Lincoln or Shakespeare too much? Is it possible to read the Bible too much? I believe not. These are great examples of inspiration and strength. We are not waving our flag enough. Not nearly enough.
In celebration of our nation’s birthday on the Fourth of July each year, we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that it’s patriotic to set off fireworks. We need to rethink this very dangerous practice.