Positive policies are already bearing fruit

As expected, the bundled responses to my “shoveling tip” and “wind advice” were predictable and pulled from the DNC and Fake Media Handbook:

Chapter 1. Clinton is Good.

Chapter 2. Circle the Wagons and Pile On.

The rest is a biased mix of selective amnesia and attack fist waving. Never mind, they surely felt relief on Nov. 8 when they screamed skyward and shared the reality that Donald J Trump is the president of the greatest nation in the world!

Is it not weird that so much seems to be overlooked, ignored, forgotten, or that good old standby, pleading the Fifth, is utilized when matters get too close? What with Holder’s gun-running sham, ACA dishonest promises, Susan Rice’s video distraction, Lois Lerner’s IRS exertion, unauthorized servers, security negligence, foundation and speech donations linked to Pay to Play, love and scorn of Russia, the infamous tarmac meeting.

Do they care, or even know who Elizabeth Carlisle is, that she met Bill on his aircraft? Goodness me, just last week Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren came out and backed what Bernie knew: Wasserman Schultz ensured the DNC rigged the primary for Hillary. Yet they still write books and ask, “What Happened?” Really! Do they actually need to ask? Don’t they know an outsider won with better vision, incredible stamina and resilience?

So, stand up and ask yourself why you want to resist and obstruct the great proposals and policies already happening: Business confidence, lowest unemployment and more jobs, better national security, improved foreign relationships, legal immigration, affordable and viable healthcare, lower taxes, encouraging self responsibility and skin in the game, responsible parenting, etc.

Dare I ask you, “What is wrong with wanting America to be first — and helping with the decisions?” Are you not embarrassed being blindly obstructionist and persistently closed-minded? Is it due to indoctrination, herd pressure, or that you don’t like him and the citizens that do? It is an enigma that you are perpetuating and your issues started long before Donald J. Trump even submitted his name just over two years ago.

It is healthy to have checks and balances within the Constitution and law of the land, so I sincerely invite you to rethink and come over to participate with helping this great country with the positive policies already bearing fruit and the crucial policies currently being discussed. Try it!

Alan Jackson