Reader feedback: Women are further along than Torrens thinks

In the last issue of the Herald, Val Torrens talks about how women are not yet equal to men in our society. This may be true, but she talks about how women politicians are fewer and get less serious media coverage, like it’s some kind of conspiracy. The press will cover what people want to hear about and if people want to hear about female celebrities’ personal lives more than their politics then what are you gonna do about it? News programs target female audiences just as much as male. And as for the number of women politicians, we’re all voters! People vote for whomever they want, and if the people they vote for happen to be male then what are you gonna do? Force them to vote for more women?

She says that in the last Congress there were 71 women in the House and 16 in the Senate. I look at those numbers and think “Wow, that’s way more than I thought.” And here she expects me to be shocked at how low they are? She says that it’s not even close to the 50 percent mark, like there should be regulations to keep the balance perfectly even. How would that be equality, forcing more women into Congress when no such thing would ever be done for men?

I’m all for feminism and equality, but when you take an approach like this you’re just making feminism look bad. You’re helping to propagate the stereotype that feminists are unreasonable radical fanatics. You might want to choose your battles rather than going around looking for things to complain about.

Kyle Delaney

