Referendum 71 would weaken the family structure

Further to a recent letter concerning Referendum 71, the letter’s author encouraged readers not to sign Ref. 71 on the erroneous basis that it was somehow religious in nature and violated “separation of church and state.” Ref. 71 is not religious legislation. It does, however, seek to overturn the bad legislation of Senate Bill 5688 which is bad for marriage, children and the economy.

I encourage readers to sign because it seeks to stop a potentially dangerous social experiment in allowing any two consenting adults the right to form a legal partnership and call it marriage. While this may sound “inclusive” and “harmless,” it only further cheapens our modern society’s definition of marriage; therefore, making divorce and even easier alternative and harming literally millions of children in the process. One only needs reflect on the two generation’s worth of damage done to American children due to “no-fault divorce” laws which have severely weakened the American family.

Let’s humble ourselves, learn from our past mistakes and seek the greater good of others. Please sign Referendum 71.

Shannon Moore

