I’m convinced that some columnists are paid to promote the self-serving perspective of the super-rich, whose greed and sense of entitlement is at the root of the nation’s economic problems.
But in today’s consumer-oriented society, packaging is everything. Their strategy includes massive misinformation campaigns to incite and redirect the outrage of the religious right. Their quest for greater wealth and power comes cloaked in the language of patriotism and religion.
The religious right is understandably disturbed about the breakdown in traditional family values. But advertising is at the heart of this breakdown. Sophisticated advertisers have perfected the skills of mob rule and the manipulation public tastes and attitudes. But, by and large, the advertisers work for the very corporations funding the blame-shifting, bias-baiting propaganda.
The corporate plutocrats want it both ways, of course. So they hire clever shills to redefine the facts and turn them on their heads.
The super-PAC billionaires are angry that they weren’t able to buy this election. And they’re mad as hell that they might have to pay their share of taxes. But they are not about to give up.
Expect them to continue their relentless war on the middle class and their deception of the religious right.
Gene Bullock