Social Security, Medicare at risk | Letters

What is happening in our country when one man, Grover Norquist, who no one seems to know, can dictate how our Republican Congress votes?

What is happening in our country when one man, Grover Norquist, who no one seems to know, can dictate how our Republican Congress votes?

Grover Norquist — founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform — has this power to keep them from voting for a tax increase for the millionaires.

When income tax came about in 1913, it was only for those whose income was over $500,000. The average worker pays enough in other taxes without paying income taxes.

It is amazing that our Congress is so childish. Even a powerful senator like Jon Kyl, who was a Republican on the supercommittee, caved into Norquist’s commands not to give in on any compromise and Kyl is retiring so it shouldn’t matter to him anyway.

It would be interesting to know how many voters know what is going on with our Congress. The middle-class workers and those on Social Security and Medicare need to think real careful when they vote next November, as the Republican Congress would love to do away with both of these entitlements. The Republican House has already voted to do away with Medicare and replace it with a voucher system.

Alan Shelbourn

