State income tax: It’s time to fully fund education


As a retired school administrator I am still concerned with providing and maintaining a great educational system for all students in our state. I served last year on the North Kitsap School District budget review committee and am again this year. I am honored and happy to do this. My education and experience should be of help.

When getting down to the bottom line of a budget, the chore is to balance expenses with revenue. Last year the district had to cut more than $3 million to balance the budget. This year it appears we may need to cut more than $1 million. I refer to this as cutting meat off the bone. There is no meat left. It’s time for a new roast.

I was happy to see that some state legislators are considering the initiation of a state income tax. In my opinion, this is the fairest system of taxation. We as citizens have to realize that in order to fully fund education, kindergarten through 12th grade, and to provide other needed social programs we must increase revenue.

I am not wealthy but I am one who is willing to pay more in income tax to provide for the needs in our state. Also, state income tax is deductible from federal income tax and is a revenue source we have needed for years.

Hal Hoover

