State income tax: Open letter to state legislators

Please be advised I am adamantly opposed to any form of state income tax.

While you have done some things to make it palatable to the people, it is regressive and I feel it is an inroad to taxing everyone’s income. Taxation should be the same for everyone and the proposed tax is not fair or equitable and penalizes success. This is unacceptable. You should be promoting success. Currently people can choose what to do with their earnings and when they are spent it is taxed. An income tax removes that ability to choose, in fact taxed people don’t even get to invest or spend it. This is not good for the state or the people. By the time you invest in the bureaucracy and infrastructure to collect and police this tax you will have spent many dollars that would have been better used in other places. This is not good for the state or the people. Please reject any consideration or hint of a state income tax.

Dennis Cziske

