Supports Initiative 594

Requiring a criminal background check before selling a gun in Washington will not eliminate all gun violence here. But passing Initiative 594 will reduce gun-related injuries and crime has it has in other states that require similar background checks.

As a pediatrician, the greatest impact I had on my patients was not by treating their illnesses and injuries, but by preventing them: avoiding the risks of measles and meningitis by vaccines and the risk of serious head injury with a bike helmet.

While laws requiring seat belts have not prevented all injuries to children in motor vehicle accidents, chances are that you, or someone you know and love, is alive or uninjured today because we have this common-sense safeguard.

Likewise, requiring a criminal background check before selling a gun in Washington will not eliminate all gun violence here. But passing Initiative 594 will reduce gun-related injuries and crime has it has in other states that require similar background checks.

Organizations that represent your family’s doctors including the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatricians, the Washington Academy of Family Physicians, and the Washington State Medical Association, have endorsed Initiative 594.

Vote yes on Initiative 594 to reduce the risk your children or grandchildren with be victims of gun violence.

Edgar K. Marcuse, MD, MPH, FAAP


