Supports Jay Inslee for governor

We are fortunate to have the opportunity to elect a governor who has the ability and knowledge to lead our state in the ways we need in these times.

We are fortunate to have the opportunity to elect a governor who has the ability and knowledge to lead our state in the ways we need in these times. We need new industries, preferably green. Jay Inslee has experience here. He has done the research and written a book on the subject, which was lauded by President Clinton as a “field guide to our future.” Jay will work to create more green industry in our state.

I personally support him because I know him; I call him a friend. Jay’s dad was a teacher and coach. Jay, like my own children, was raised in an education environment. It makes one aware of its problems, values and rewards. He understands that our economy needs to grow to provide additional funds to improve education at all levels. His opponent believes that we need to cut waste and improve upon present practices. What does he think we have been doing for the past 60 years that I have been involved in Washington education finance?  We have picked the bones clean.  We need more revenue.

Jay supports extending health care for all Washingtonians. His opponent has wasted state money, in my opinion, trying to limit coverage by repealing the Affordable Care Act.

Jay knows both sides of our state. He knows its resources, especially the ingenuity of our citizens, and will use them to build a new cutting edge economy. I believe he will lead our state in becoming a world leader in the many fields we have been in the past and into new fields of clean energy, biotech and health care.

This race could become a target for opposing special-interest groups to try to buy the election.  We have too much at stake and so much promise in our future, I believe that this state could become a world leader. I believe that Jay can make it happen. I urge you to support and vote for Jay Inslee for governor of Washington.

Hal Hoover

