Supports Kirschner for Kingston Port Commission

The state Legislature has expressly authorized port districts in this state to do much more than operate marinas. Among other things, port districts can be a vehicle for fostering job training, tourism and other forms of economic development.

The state Legislature has expressly authorized port districts in this state to do much more than operate marinas. Among other things, port districts can be a vehicle for fostering job training, tourism and other forms of economic development.

Our current Port of Kingston commissioners have done an admirable job building a marina and a park, but now it is time to take it to the next level. We should start using the Port as more than a place to park your boat. It is time to start using the Port of Kingston in a businesslike manner to encourage economic development.

Jerry Kirschner offers a wealth of successful business and industry experience to accomplish this task.  The current commission already has loads of military and maritime know-how. What we need now is a commissioner who has actually had a business career, one who appreciates the challenges facing Kingston’s business community, and one who understands business development from the private sector viewpoint.

Jerry has a proven interest in the Port of Kingston. Unlike the other candidate, Jerry regularly attends the Port Commission meetings so he was there in July to present an alternative proposal to the proposal to build a parking garage on the port’s  lawn. As  chairman of the Passenger-Only Ferry Advisory Committee, Jerry spent hundreds of hours this year guiding development of a detailed cost-benefit analysis to present to the commission.  Jerry also believes that the commission should have a rolling five-year strategic development plan, rather than a static five-year plan that is reviewed only once every five years, and he presented such a proposal to the commission in May 2011. Times change, conditions change and five-year plans should change too.

These are only a few examples of the knowledge, commitment and creative thinking that Jerry Kirschner will bring to the Port of Kingston. With Jerry’s skills and leadership, the Port can be both a focal point for community recreation and a force for economic development.

Please join me in voting for Jerry Kirschner as commissioner for the Port of Kingston. For more information, go to

Bruce MacIntyre

I am a long-time property owner and a resident of Kingston. My grandchildren, my daughter and my many friends live here and enjoy the parks, the schools, the trails, the community and the downtown Kingston business district.

We have a wonderful place to live and see our kids grow up and we have a terrific Port of Kingston with its park, passenger-only ferry, marina and beach. The port commissioners have done well and deserve much credit for  their  stewardship resulting in a stellar balance sheet and organization — thank you, commissioners and staff!

Given this, the changing demographics of our area and the struggling business sector of our community (look at the business turnovers, vacancies and properties for sale), I have become concerned. It is now time to address this and to look ahead and think about our future together.

I want to see the Port of Kingston take the lead for our community. Its mission is to promote economic development and the port now has the strength to do it and improve our economic vitality and the community as a whole. In the past, most focus has been toward the marina and Mike Wallace Park. This should continue, but be expanded to take the lead for the community to improve and change the way taxpayers want it to change.

I want to see a strong leader, a strong business-oriented individual, one who is going to listen and have the ability to provide the coordination and get positive results. We have the marina management expertise already; it is time for a business leader to join the commissioners.

This is why I will support and vote for Jerry Kirschner  ( this coming November.

Ronald Karzmar



