On Jan. 28, the political cartoon on your opinion page depicts a child opining that “assault weapons kill.” Why are you opening up this dialogue? Is it because President Obama avoided it during his recent speech? Is it also because you know he is going to begin an anti-gun campaign in February 2011?
The child in your cartoon then suggests that firearms are the second-leading cause of death among children. This is incorrect. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the No. 1 cause is motor vehicles, followed by drowning, then serious injuries such as falls, fire and blunt force trauma. Firearm deaths all listed as less than half of suicide or homicides in any of these age groups below those causes.
Lastly, the child in the cartoon states, “Hate groups can get guns anywhere.” To be specific, the most intense hatred I have seen or heard lately has come from left-wing pundits on T.V., or in left-wing blogs. All have targeted Sarah Palin or her children. Isn’t it the left who supports gun control?
Your paper will NOT persuade any citizen who advocates the basic inalienable right of self defense, to suddenly agree that firearms must be eradicated in America. Statistics indicate most Americans believe in the right keep and bare arms. And in the economic climate the Washington, D.C. elites have created (but refuse to take responsibility for), gun advocates are even gripping their guns tighter.
Barry Clemons