Guess what? When voters continue to elect Democrats, they are getting exactly what they voted for — a tax-and-spend politician.
Politically, Democrats constantly develop another program or increase an existing one that needs more money.
These Democratically controlled governments continue to fool the local voters by announcing that they exhausted all possibilities of cutting costs.
Here is how they smoke-and-mirror their spending cuts.
They propose a total of $72.1 billion in spending, then they end up passing $69.4 billion.
They announce cuts and savings of $2.7 billion in spending on a proposed budget increase.
They then pass an overall state budget which increased from $68.5 to $69.4 billion dollars.
With news media reporting how hard the Legislature has worked with announced budget cuts, they expect you to believe the budget was reduced.
In fact, governments are growing, and it’s your household dollars taken from you, with impunity, on which they depend.
The Port of Bremerton Port commissioners were finally jolted into the realization that citizens were paying attention to the obligations required by accepting state or federal government dollars with matching funds strings attached
Governments can balance their budgets by reductions in spending.
It’s time for change all right, vote out the tax and spend incumbents.