U.S. government doing whatever it can get away with

I have to ask Dean Jenniges just why we are in this Iraq war. Too much Fox News! What threat did they pose other than the Israeli agenda? That is why they hate us! They were not responsible for 9/11! Bush was given his marching orders and he followed their orders to the tee.

Letters on letters

I have to ask Dean Jenniges just why we are in this Iraq war. Too much Fox News! What threat did they pose other than the Israeli agenda? That is why they hate us! They were not responsible for 9/11! Bush was given his marching orders and he followed their orders to the tee.

First of all, where did President G.W. Bush get the right to issue anyone an enemy combatant? With the Patriot Act we are all in danger of being labeled an enemy combatant. You can be jailed without anyone knowing where you are at and held at their discretion. What have any of our politicians done to stop illegal immigration? Did we not belong to the Geneva Convention during World War II?

You are correct on one issue and that is we do not need men in black robes telling the American people what the constitution means. Do you really think that it is the democrats who are heading us toward a police state?

Most governments, including our own, tend to do what they can get away with rather than what the law allows them to do. All governments seek to increase their power over the people they govern, whether we want to recognize it or not. The Patriot Act is a vivid example of this. Constitutions and laws don’t keep government power in check; only a vigilant populace can do that.

Border guards have gone to jail for trying to stop illegal immigration! What has G.W. done to help these two poor souls?


