Waterfront not appropriate, but Kitsap is

Silverdale Waterfront Park is a lively, if not rowdy area, used for relaxation and entertainment. The 9/11 memorial deserves a quiet and reflective location where citizens can contemplate the sacrifices made by all the victims and their countrymen.

Silverdale Waterfront Park is a lively, if not rowdy area, used for relaxation and entertainment. The 9/11 memorial deserves a quiet and reflective location where citizens can contemplate the sacrifices made by all the victims and their countrymen. There are plenty of fire stations throughout Kitsap County that would serve as excellent places for a memorial such as this. Remember, this is not a Central Kitsap issue, but an American issue. I am surprised, and somewhat saddened, that an artifact of this magnitude and significance was requested without a suitable location being confirmed beforehand. Please locate this 9/11 memorial at a suitable fire station before this issue becomes an embarrassment.

Bill Minks

