As we come to the end of our tenure as the Fine Arts Boosters Board, we want to thank you for your help in our efforts to support the students at Kingston High School.
A unit of art education is a requirement for graduation, so at some point all the students have benefited. If you are a parent, your arts student has or will benefit. If you are a community member, our North Kitsap community is enriched by our high school’s arts program in innumerable ways. A community that supports upcoming artists is indeed a vibrant, optimistic, enhanced community.
The Fine Arts Boosters have provided scholarships for graduating seniors, funds for Advanced Placement exam fees and Art Awards. As needs arise, we have helped to fill the budget gaps with funds for dance and music workshops, band and debate transportation, sheet music for choir, and pipe and drape for drama productions.
It is our hope that you or someone you know will come forward and fill the vacant board positions. The students and faculty need your help as they continue to make the most out of shrinking resources.
Interested parties can contact James Andrews at
Mary Montgomery
Marilyn Bode
Thom Montgomery
Fine Arts Boosters