What’s she got to hide?


I am an independent video producer who has volunteered my firm’s time, money and energy to record and broadcast Eggs Issues Political Forum.

Kitsap County commissioners’ meetings and debates for Kitsap County judicial, auditor and Kitsap commissioner have been recorded and viewed by thousands of voters on Bremerton-Kitsap-Access-Television (BKAT) and Bainbridge Television (BITV).

Candidate Mark Lowe expressed total support of the filming. However at his Eggs and Issues debate with state Rep. Christine Rolfes, Ms. Rolfes banned the filming.

As a direct result, thousands of voters were deprived of the opportunity of hearing these candidates answer tough questions.

What is it about transparent and open government that troubles Rolfes to the point of denying public access to a public meeting?

She was asked a pointed question by (Port Orchard Independent columnist) Adele Ferguson about why she banned the taping.

Rolfes answered enigmatically, “I didn’t want the camera on me the whole time.”

Lowe answered the same question, saying he fully supported open government and real information to the voters.

My question to Rolfes persists: What is it you don’t want the voters to hear and see about you?

I find her actions to be very cynical and evasive towards the voters.


Bainbridge Island
