Cosmic invitations to upgrade our humanity

Star patterns change like a circle in a spiral and a wheel within a wheel. Each day brings a sunrise and sunset and spring follows winter as surely as autumn follows summer.

When we notice the rhythmic flow of the cosmos, we tap into the eternal and mysterious. Isn’t it funny, though, how frustrated we are when a pattern repeats itself in our life? “What?! I thought I’d handled that!”

Eclipses bring repeating patterns around every 19 years when they fall on the same degree, in the same sign and in the same place in birth charts. Where were you and what were you doing in 1999? What fork in the road did you take? Perhaps the one you didn’t take will return in a new form at this full moon (lunar) eclipse (5:26 a.m. PST Jan. 31).

An eclipse series, currently in Leo and Aquarius, keeps the focus on one section of the birth chart to give us a 20-month independent study program. This lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse (Feb. 15) re-energize points activated at the eclipses of August 2017 — which were activated 19 years ago, too. There’s that circle-in-a-spiral thing!

The Leo moon stirs longings to be loved as unconditionally as babies. But, alas, we grew up and were expected to be good, follow the rules and get along, so we denied aspects of ourselves in hope of attaining unconditional love. Denied emotions — like jealousy, resentment, anger and loneliness — crept in telling us sad, childish stories about our lives.

A lunar eclipse offers a glimpse at those shadowy emotions helping us release old (sob) stories and write new ones offering more love and acceptance for ourselves and, therefore, others. Venus traveling very close to the sun brings a new vision. “Expand into your universal hearts and don’t hold back.” This love is not personal, but of the Aquarian ideals: humanitarian, democratic, progressive, innovative and inclusive.

Cosmic patterns are constant invitations to engage in building awareness and upgrading our humanity. Can we take our Golden Hearts (Leo) to all of humankind (Aquarian)? If we can’t, what holds us back? Our inner work is our humanitarian work. How’s that for amazing?

Jan. 31 to Feb. 15

Pisces, the humanitarian mission lives in your blind spot but service to others can keep you from being your own worse enemy. Find a more playful approach to work, health, daily routine and practical duties to entertain your inner child and avoid the whiny. Add daily sparkle!

Aries, your inner child energy drives you forward in the house of play and creativity. You want to stamp everything you touch with your stamp. Higher consciousness visions flood you now and look like amazing adventures. Go build houses for earthquake victims. Why not? Be a hero!

Taurus, you are a tad cranky stretched between work where you make money and wanting to be home in your castle. Your humanitarian efforts comes in the form of slow change, writing checks for good causes and writing it off as good business. Giving back to your roots is good for business.

Gemini, all work and no play makes Ms. Butterfly dreary indeed. If you can’t get away on an adventure, go for plan B. Plan a trip now and commit to going later. Escape with a great book, or fabulous movie. You feel like an Iron Butterfly. Energize with daily doses of fun.

Cancer, strip down to essentials, get rid of stuff, organize what’s left. Let go and feel free. Set up wills, insurance and annuities which might include your favorite charities. Be sure your budget includes fun, imaginative and showy items. Otherwise, your inner child will be whining to you. Mama!

Leo, you ARE the inner child and if feeling insecure or over-exposed, you could be haughty. Your partners adore you so ask straight out for what you need. Rip up old scripts and do a rewrite on your love story about self and others. When you feel radiant, you are a humanitarian!

Virgo, you’re loving your work. Remember not to sacrifice your needs. That’s an old pattern the Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle is helping you break. Think about what you call play. It may have to do with a new planning notebook, but whatever it is, relax and create something tangible.

Libra, what could be more fun than being a hostess introducing shakers-and-movers to other shakers-and-movers. So fill your calendar: tete-a-tetes over coffee, lunch with friends who simply must meet, dinner parties with seating charts. Raise funds for your favorite charity.

Scorpio, it’s time for weirdos in your living room. What (r)evolutionary ideas are you hosting? At work, you pass as normal but old habits pop up. If you aren’t getting noticed, you could sulk. Deep in your foundation, eclipses are breaking ground. You won’t know yourself this time next year!

Capricorn, in the middle of your intense, personal renovation process, comes “responsibility.” Stop! Is it yours or theirs? Your partners align with your values. If not, you’ll carry more than your share. Be “responsive” to you. Then act. It’s about your authority to say yes. Or no.

Sagittarius, exercise can work off excess energy that you don’t want spilling all over others who may push back. Talking, writing, publishing, e-mails, phone calls — you love being Communication Central. If you have to miss a trip (no sniveling), you’re shaking and moving.

Suzanne O’Clair is a practicing astrologer available for readings. Contact her at 360-509-6400 or at