Two juveniles are in custody after allegedly shooting at a man and his son near the parking lot of the…
Following years of discussion about finding solutions to downtown parking, the Poulsbo City Council March 19 approved to launch signage…
Kitsap News Group recently hired three new reporters to its team.
The state Department of Health reported “very high” levels of flu statewide between Feb. 23 and March 1.
As reproductive health access becomes increasingly restricted across the country, expanding Washington’s law that protects patients and healthcare workers is…
The Suquamish Tribe elected two of its citizens to Tribal Council at the annual General Council meeting March 16, held…
Poulsbo Municipal Court judge Jeff Tolman will be retiring April 7 following 31 years on the job.
Kristie Cruz and Joslyn Cobb from South Kitsap High School have been selected to advance to state in the 2025…
A memorial procession with police escort will be part of the March 22 service for retired South Kitsap Fire and…
Business owners and community members voiced frustration over the city’s permitting process and event restrictions during public comments at the…
Kitsap County Superior Court cases
At Silverdale’s Bee Hill Bakery, a thriving hydroponic garden wall filled with pothos, monstera and snake plants adds an unexpected…
Kingston man produces music event
The city of Poulsbo’s new Automated Traffic Safety Program 30-day warning period began March 12 and will be issuing warnings…
The Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners approved a resolution at its March 4 meeting, designating March 18 as Transit Driver…
The Navy released a draft environmental assessment March 7 for the proposed homeporting of USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79)…
Man charged with 6 crimes; bail $200K
A 12-year-old pianist from Port Orchard is set to take the stage at New York City’s Carnegie Hall after earning…
A fire broke out at the M&T Cafe the night of March 9, prompting a response from Central Kitsap Fire…
South Kitsap Rotary, in partnership with the SK Fire and Rescue Cares Team, recently assisted a community member in need…