Area Lights and Sirens

Theft of wood, a generator and a Facebook scam are among the reports

Theft of wood reported

On Aug. 24, a 27-year-old man was found in a wooded area in Keyport cutting wood with a chainsaw. A Kitsap County Sheriff’s officer found a man covered in sawdust cutting wood. After the man could not produce an ID card, he was placed into handcuffs. His name was entered into the Cencom system and showed two warrants for his arrest. The officer walked the man back through the park looking for the wood chopped. The young man informed the officer that the tree was dead and on the ground. “It was an old madrona tree at the north end of the park and he had cut it into 4 foot sections to carry out,” states the report. A red gas can and orange reflective vest were found at the same site, which the suspect admitted were his. After being read his rights, he was dropped off at the jail for “theft of wood, harvesting wood products without a permit and two warrants,” states the report. After asking the man if he had a car, he said he did not and that his boss would pick him up. He claimed he “cuts wood for his boss who sells it on Central Valley Rd.,” states the report.

Generator stolen from storage unit

A 44-year-old man was working on a home in Keyport where he has a motor home parked that he uses as a storage place for his tools. The man, who has a Sequim address, reported that he noticed an outside storage compartment was “pried open.” The man’s Honda generator was stolen. The serial number was not recorded, but he said he would do some research to see if he could find it. A suspect has not been arrested for the theft.

Woman loses money  in Facebook scam

In Bremerton, a female filed a report with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office that she sent a total of $2,776 after she was contacted through Facebook by her husband’s coworker that she won a lottery. On Aug. 21, the 37-year-old female received a message that she had “won a federal government sponsored Facebook lottery and was paid $60,000.” The female was advised to contact an agent named Steven Jacob at or at 239-300-7107 to collect the funds. She contacted him on Aug. 22, and was told to send money via Western Union. “She then received another message from Jacob telling her he had made a mistake. In fact, her winnings were $280,000.” The female was asked for an additional amount which she sent. The following day, she had her husband talked to his co-worker who in turn said his account had been hacked and several contacts of his were told they won money, the report states. The man reported he had not received any money, and that it was a scam. “Jacob has continued to contact her regarding her winnings in an effort to get more money. Her husband tried calling the phone number provided by Jacob, but the calls would not go through.”

Fire department burglarized

On Aug. 26, a Kitsap Sheriff’s officer responded to the findings of a 1800-watt Honda generator discovered hidden in the bushes of Central Park in Keyport. The officer found the generator labeled with a sticker indicating it was property of “Kitsap County, Poulsbo Fire District # 18,” states the report. An unmanned volunteer firehouse sits just a block south of the park. The caller who found the generator helped the officer carry the generator down to the firehouse. Upon arrival, the two checked the doors and found “what appeared to be fresh pry marks on the back door, however the door was shut and locked. The pry mark was near the lock,” states the report. A storage shed behind the firehouse also seemed to have been rummaged through as helmets and gear were dumped. Deputy Chief Bruce Peterson was called to come and inspect the firehouse, and a volunteer firefighter arrived shortly after where they found the generator had been removed from the back of an engine inside the firehouse. “Several storage doors on the engine were open. A first aid kit was on the floor behind the engine. The first aid kit had been left open by the suspect(s). We discovered a gas-powered exhaust fan, gas-powered pump, DeWalt cordless saw-alls, and a set of tie-downs which had also been stolen from inside,” states the report. A quick look around the park turned up the exhaust fan in the dumpster. The pump could not be located. Serial numbers are currently being researched for the missing items. There are no suspects or other evidence, according to the report.